Archive for category Little Nippers

Kathy talks about her family's Thanksgiving, what the girls did on Halloween and how she deals with her little picky eaters… (Click through to read more)

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Telsche starts pre-school and Skyla gets a little "Mommy and Me" time. (Click through for more) …

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When we checked in with them, Kathy and her family were enjoying the last few weeks of summer. Here’s how they spent the month of August… (Click through to read more)

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Kathy sends us a dispatch about how she and the girls are managing to stay cool (and have fun!) during a particularly hot Canadian summer … (Click here to read more)

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This month, we wanted to check back in with our first Little Nippers family: Lauren, Joe, Gianna, Olivia, and Sophia in honor of the girls’ third birthday! Lauren gives us an update…


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Kathy sends us an update on her Mother's Day and daughter Skyla's 1st Birthday! Another month has passed already. Time flies when you have two busy girls on the go. Mother's Day was fabulous. I was able to have a lovely sleep in, followed by a hike with the girls and Tyson. In the afternoon we had supper with my Mom and Dad complete with another walk in the woods. Tyson and the girls bought me new shoes (they know me too well) and a beautiful plant, which I love. On May 30th, Skyla turned one! …

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left them and if spring has finally sprung in their Canadian province.

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When we checked in with Kathy, Tyson and the girls this month, we found they have been combatting the last breath of winter with some fun ideas both in and outside of the house.


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Let’s welcome our new LITTLE NIPPERS family, parents Kathy and Tyson and their daughters, two-year-old Telsche and eight month old Skyla! They hail from a suburb of Toronto, Canada. Since this is their first post, we thought we wanted to give mom, Kathy, some space to introduce herself and her family.

I am a stay at home Mom, caring for my two beautiful, bright daughters. My husband Tyson is a chiropractor in our town and at another office closer to the city. He works six days a week, sometimes gone for 12 + hours a day. I used to teach yoga for our business but have been off since our second daughter. Now I love to bake for my family and work at being a ‘super’ momsmiley

Having two girls only 18 months apart is a challenge, I’m not going to lie, but it is so sweet to see them growing together. There are days that I am not yet used to managing two this close in age, days that are filled with crying, throwing toys, endless yells for ‘up please’, and requests that you may not be able to fulfill. On the flip side there are also many days that are filled with sweet hugs, laughter, sharing, and wonderful learning experiences. The good days by far outweigh the not so great days. My husband is home until 9am so he is here for wakeup routines and breakfast. When he is home on the weekends he is all hands on and we share all the responsibilities. My parents live in the city and help out a great deal with the girls. We only have one car, which Tyson has to take to work, so I have to be creative to keep these girls busy, especially in the winter! 

Our two-year-old, Telsche, is very interested in Dora. Everything Dora. I have even caught her talking in her sleep about Dora. She also loves books of all sorts, ever since she was a baby, she loves to sit and look/read books. Any book, or sticker, or toy with dogs/cats on it is also a hit. We don’t have a dog, but she loves them so much and always says ‘awwwwww’ every time she sees one, and wants to hug them. Even if it’s in a book. Very cute. She loves to dance, which means running around the room and doing an exaggerated march. Telsche dislikes meat. She is a self-proclaimed vegetarian. I call her my ‘carb’etarian, but I’ve found creative ways to hide protein and veggies everywhere. 

We are looking forward to an amazing, exciting year of updating you all on our family!


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If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in "Little Nippers," let the Moderators know ( I'm looking for parents (or a parent) who is/are willing to share their family story on a monthly basis. Check out the "Little Nippers" section to see how the updates are structured.

The experience, as viewed by Lauren, our current "Little Nippers" mom: "It was a wonderful experience for all of us and will be even more special in years to come when we can go back and read all of these entries together."

Important Details:

If you/your family is chosen, we require one monthly update from you (Moderators will contact you a week in advance with three update questions to respond to). You will have seven days to email back your response to be included in the eNewsletter and on the website. A monthly photo should also be included with your entry. All entries approximately 7-10 sentences in length.

Though we have editors, we request all entries are written in complete sentences. English does not have to be participant's primary language, but they must have a command of the English language. 

This is not a paid or staff position with or any of its subsidiaries.

If you are interested or have any further questions, please email at moderators

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