Canadian Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Picky Eaters


Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends!

We celebrated our Thanksgiving in October. My brother, Uncle Dude, was home for a week in October. It was the week prior to Thanksgiving, but we decided to celebrate then. My Mom and Uncle Dude prepared the meal, with turkey, stuffing, veggies, the works. Telsche and Skyla wouldn't even eat a pickle from the Thanksgiving table. They are such fussy eaters. I think they had almond butter and jam sandwiches that day. (sigh) We win some meals and lose others, oh well. Yesterday, they did eat fish and carrots for dinner. Although, I hid them in a mound of rice, which they love. 

Every meal seems to be a challenge lately. For eating during the meal and for eating the right things. We are still being so creative with hiding their vegetables and protein.

We did make it to the apple farm. We went with the girls cousin Sybella and her parents Glory and Jeff. It was so busy that day. There were pumpkins everywhere, a toddler friendly corn maze (Telsche loved), animal farm, face painting and a tractor ride. It was a great day.

Telsche was 'Tigger' this year for Halloween. She was so excited. She wanted face paint on, but then rubbed it off before we left the house. Skyla was a butterfly. Cute as a button. She caught on extremely fast while trick or treating. We made it to a few houses on our street before heading home. Tyson put Skyla to bed, while I took Telsche over to see Grandma and PaPa for one last trick or treat. Grandma of course had all kinds of treats that Telsche could eat. (We didn't let them eat the typical halloween candy) She was in Halloween heaven until she saw a scary monster trick or treating. She is still talking about it, four days later. Poor thing probably had a big imagination that night. 

We are looking forward to celebrating the holiday season, starting now. Waiting for the first snowflake to fall. Telsche is still asking to go to the North Pole!

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