Canadian Summer



Kathy sends us a dispatch about how she and the girls are managing to stay cool (and have fun!) during a particularly hot Canadian summer.

Summer is definitely here in South Western Ontario. We are having a bit of a heat wave. So hot, you can’t be outdoors during the day. Too hot for the kids, some days. Rest assured, we are finding loads of ways to stay cool. We have been swimming in the mini pool on the deck, going to the local splash pad, and visiting nearby beaches — we’re planning to go to one this week. Sandcastles, here we come!

The girls have changed so much in the last two months. Skyla is walking/running everywhere now She hasn’t even thought about crawling since. It is really funny to see the girls running after each other now, laughing so hard, they can barely stand. Skyla also has quite the sense of humour, trying to make everyone laugh. She has a good set of teeth now, too, and developing an interesting palate. Of course, she and her sister don’t share the same tastes.

Telsche is also going through some changes. Her height and shoe size are increasing monthly. She loves to play in the water, but also has really been enjoying her books and puzzles. She’s always been our bookworm. She has a newfound love for horses. Sometimes, we’ll take a drive in the country just to find horses. Her Pa Pa bought her a rocking horse that is almost worn out!

This summer also brought a visit from my brother, who lives in British Columbia. We will soon be spending time in London with Tyson’s family. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

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