Archive for category Behavior

After having a baby, it can be hard to find ways to feel sexy, though at some point, you’ll definitely want to get back into your pre-baby groove and want to look and feel good. Of primary important is the “feeling good” part of the equation because we all know if you feel good, that permeates everything you do.

After having a baby, it can be hard to find ways to feel sexy, though at some point, you’ll definitely want to get back into your pre-baby groove and want to look and feel good. Of primary important is the “feeling good” part of the equation because we all know if you feel good, that permeates everything you do.

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As your baby turns into a toddler, there are many transitions and awareness that occurs and must be addressed. One big development is the introduction of a new babysitter. Toddlers grasp the fact that “mommy and daddy are leaving,” but they don’t always understand why they are being left with a stranger or even that fact that mommy and daddy will be coming back.

As your baby turns into a toddler, there are many transitions and awareness that occurs and must be addressed. One big development is the introduction of a new babysitter. Toddlers grasp the fact that “mommy and daddy are leaving,” but they don’t always understand why they are being left with a stranger or even that fact that mommy and daddy will be coming back.

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Playing/ interacting with your baby/toddler-aged child is one of the most essential things required from you as a parent to allow for proper brain, motor skill, auditory, emotional an visual development. It

Playing/ interacting with your baby/toddler-aged child is one of the most essential things required from you as a parent to allow for proper brain, motor skill, auditory, emotional an visual development. It’s important to know not only what to play with your child, but when is the right time to introduce those various play, what games/toys are age appropriate, and how they will help your child grow and learn.

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If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in "Little Nippers," let the Moderators know. I

If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in “Little Nippers,” let the Moderators know. I’m looking for parents (or a parent) who is/are willing to share their family story on a monthly basis. Check out the “Little Nippers” section to see how the updates are structured.

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I’m sharing my three nursery golden rules to help parents and little ones cope at daycare, nursery, and/or preschool.

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A lot of new moms and dads are hesitant to talk about this topic, but it’s real and it affects a lot of parents (both new parents and not-so-new). You don’t know how many families I come across where the mums and dads tell me, “We’ve not slept in the same bed for years.” So, you’re not alone. But if you don’t want your problem to get this extreme, you have to act now. First of all, remember when you have kids, it doesn’t mean you can’t have sex anymore.

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I see a lot of issues with children

I see a lot of issues with children’s behavior (or lack thereof) in my work with families, but the truth of the matter is, it’s not just the child: How your child behaves is your responsibility

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From the age of 2 to 5, you might find yourself asking the same questions as the mums I see asking on my Forums. "Why did my toddler hit his sister?", or "she bit a friend at nursery, is she ‘mean

From the age of 2 to 5, you might find yourself asking the same questions as the mums I see asking on my Forums. “Why did my toddler hit his sister?”, or “she bit a friend at nursery, is she ‘mean’?”

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