Archive for category Behavior

Teaching children the importance of giving back and serving their community empowers them at a very young age.  Whether it’s once a week or once a month, collaborating every family member in your household to be involved in giving back helps to create a lifelong habit of community service and brings everyone (no matter what their age) a feeling of goodwill and spirit around helping others.

Teaching children the importance of giving back and serving their community empowers them at a very young age. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, collaborating every family member in your household to be involved in giving back helps to create a lifelong habit of community service and brings everyone (no matter what their age) a feeling of goodwill and spirit around helping others.

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Zero Tolerance is what we need to continue practicing. In light of it being National Bullying Prevention month I wanted to touch on this subject, as I answer many questions from parents on how to stop their children from being picked on at school. This made me think that if every parent took responsibility to raise their child with more empathy and respect, then we would reduce this problem greatly.

Zero Tolerance is what we need to continue practicing. In light of it being National Bullying Prevention month I wanted to touch on this subject, as I answer many questions from parents on how to stop their children from being picked on at school. This made me think that if every parent took responsibility to raise their child with more empathy and respect, then we would reduce this problem greatly.

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It’s interesting to seeing what others give as parenting advice. What I’ve been seeing lately is a lot is about being careful “not to blame” a child. “Don’t blame the child. Try not to blame,” is a constant thing parents and caretakers hear and read as they raise children. But this is contradictory to when we say we want our kids to be accountable for the things they do and have done (whether accidents or not).

It’s interesting to seeing what others give as parenting advice. What I’ve been seeing lately is a lot is about being careful “not to blame” a child. “Don’t blame the child. Try not to blame,” is a constant thing parents and caretakers hear and read as they raise children. But this is contradictory to when we say we want our kids to be accountable for the things they do and have done (whether accidents or not).

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Easter and spring are both times of renewal, rebirth, and change, as it is the beginning of a new season. For some of us that will mean uprooting and planting new seeds elsewhere. Perhaps you’re moving house, or school, or starting a new job. For those going through a period of rebirth, renewal, and change, what are some ways we can make this change to a new environment or situation easier for our families and ourselves?

Easter and spring are both times of renewal, rebirth, and change, as it is the beginning of a new season. For some of us that will mean uprooting and planting new seeds elsewhere. Perhaps you’re moving house, or school, or starting a new job. For those going through a period of rebirth, renewal, and change, what are some ways we can make this change to a new environment or situation easier for our families and ourselves?

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As the snow begins to melt and the cold lifts after a long winter, now is a good time to start thinking about getting kids outdoors and planning nature-based activities. When a child is out in nature, all of their senses get activated: They’re seeing, hearing, touching, even tasting. It is truly one of the first times in their lives that they actively witness and are immersed in something bigger than themselves, and see the lifecycle nature undergoes.

As the snow begins to melt and the cold lifts after a long winter, now is a good time to start thinking about getting kids outdoors and planning nature-based activities. When a child is out in nature, all of their senses get activated: They’re seeing, hearing, touching, even tasting. It is truly one of the first times in their lives that they actively witness and are immersed in something bigger than themselves, and see the lifecycle nature undergoes.

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How do you practice gratitude as a family? Is it something that’s a part of your daily routine or your conversations with each other? If not, perhaps that’s something to consider making a part of your family’s daily schedule. Gratitude and mindfulness can be introduced to your children at any time and at any age. Below find some times on ways to help incorporate gratitude and mindfulness into your family’s routine.

How do you practice gratitude as a family? Is it something that’s a part of your daily routine or your conversations with each other? If not, perhaps that’s something to consider making a part of your family’s daily schedule. Gratitude and mindfulness can be introduced to your children at any time and at any age. Below find some times on ways to help incorporate gratitude and mindfulness into your family’s routine.

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By now our children would have had a couple of months settling into one transition or another; whether that’s going to a new school, starting nursery, welcoming a new sibling, or possibly a new living environment. Such transitions can cause anxiety in our little ones.

By now our children would have had a couple of months settling into one transition or another; whether that’s going to a new school, starting nursery, welcoming a new sibling, or possibly a new living environment. Such transitions can cause anxiety in our little ones.

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You already know I think you are all an amazing job raising kids, but I’ve noticed an alarming trend among young girls and their concern over their images. From the age of four in particular, they’re conscious of how they look — of course they are as this is the age where they get to choose their clothes, help dress themselves and tell you which hairstyle they want.

You already know I think you are all an amazing job raising kids, but I’ve noticed an alarming trend among young girls and their concern over their images. From the age of four in particular, they’re conscious of how they look — of course they are as this is the age where they get to choose their clothes, help dress themselves and tell you which hairstyle they want.

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During my live-tweeting of the premiere episode of Family SOS, I received a tweet asking if I would cover the topic of anxiety and depression in teenagers. This topic is absolutely important as so many teens suffer in silence from anxiety and depression or, if they do ask for help, they are sometimes ignored or their symptoms are written off as “hormones.”

During my live-tweeting of the premiere episode of Family SOS, I received a tweet asking if I would cover the topic of anxiety and depression in teenagers. This topic is absolutely important as so many teens suffer in silence from anxiety and depression or, if they do ask for help, they are sometimes ignored or their symptoms are written off as “hormones.”

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Each child has their very own personality and temperament. Some kids are very verbal and interact with others easily; On the other hand, some kids are quiet and more reserved and just want to play by themselves more, as their parents you have a wonderful opportunity to help your child thrive in social situations. Helping them to succeed and develop socially will give them more confidence and the ability to adapt to situations with more ease.

Each child has their very own personality and temperament. Some kids are very verbal and interact with others easily; On the other hand, some kids are quiet and more reserved and just want to play by themselves more, as their parents you have a wonderful opportunity to help your child thrive in social situations. Helping them to succeed and develop socially will give them more confidence and the ability to adapt to situations with more ease.

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