Tag archive for childrearing

Every child and every adult at some stage goes through phases of anxiety but, when it turns into a disorder that has an impact on the way that person chooses to live their daily life then that’s when we need to reach out for help. The good news is anxiety as well as depression is treatable.
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Most parents find sleep-training challenging. Not because the techniques are difficult but purely because they are required to be done at the end of a day, when you are physically, and emotionally spent, when a child is exhausted and ready for bed, and when patience is no longer in abundance.
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It’s that time of the year when going back to school or starting school can be challenging and exciting all at once. We are eager as parents for our children to enjoy this wonderful experience that in the western world we take for granted. It is a time when children form heathy relationships with children of their own age, with their teachers, and come home having soaked up hours of knowledge through having fun.
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