Confidence for Pre-School

It’s that time of the year when going back to school or starting school can be challenging and exciting all at once. We are eager as parents for our children to enjoy this wonderful experience that in the western world we take for granted. It is a time when children form heathy relationships with children of their own age, with their teachers, and come home having soaked up hours of knowledge through having fun. So making sure that they get off on the right foot is critical to sustaining a positive experience. Teaching your children, the life skills needed for school is what will help them to succeed. After all, if a child does not listen, or conform because they have never had to, then it makes it that much more challenging for everybody involved. Build relationships with your children’s teachers, show interest and pay attention to where your children need help. Be open to the information received from the principals so you can do the best for your children. Remember the teachers are there to do their best by your children. Create healthy schedules, establish rituals that promote healthy habits and be present for your children to encourage them to talk about their day.

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