Sleep Transition

Most parents find sleep-training challenging. Not because the techniques are difficult but purely because they are required to be done at the end of a day, when you are physically, and emotionally spent, when a child is exhausted and ready for bed, and when patience is no longer in abundance. Truthfully all you need is a hot meal a glass of wine and forty winks! The truth is, if you create a bad sleeping habit for your own emotional needs or for the lack of not wanting to put the energy into achieving the task at hand then it only gets bigger. And at this point you will only meet with more resistance as the child gets older. This will now only take more time to crack so the question is why is it important that you get a good night’s sleep? Why is it important that your child get a good night’s sleep? If you can truthfully answer the ‘why’ then you can get on with making it happen. Teaching our children to seek comfort in their own beds and in their own rooms teaches them to have more independence, maturity and resilience.

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Work and Home Balance

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