Every child and every adult at some stage goes through phases of anxiety but, when it turns into a disorder that has an impact on the way that person chooses to live their daily life then that’s when we need to reach out for help. The good news is anxiety as well as depression is treatable. Much research shows that when we can help our children overcome anxiety disorders they are likely to perform much better in school and not miss out on the important socialization, skills, and experience they need. It is incredibly important to pay attention to our children’s feelings and make sure we are readily available and present, about how they feel. Modifying our expectations creates less stress in these challenging periods. Make sure you can plan your schedules to allow for extra wiggle room, for example if getting ready for school is difficult. Most importantly we must always acknowledge your child facing and overcoming their challenges, having the courage to change their behaviors. Know your child’s personality as sometimes young children can find this patronizing if you are too animated. A wink and a nonchalant gesture of acknowledgment can resonate just as well. Parents have so many challenges today that it will be important for you to not pass your fears onto them but, getting to a stage where you can laugh at life’s curve balls is where you want to be.