I am a firm believer that gay or straight, it doesn’t matter as long as a child is raised with love. And rules. And fun. Though most people are either for or against it, there still reamins a percentage of the world’s population who are somewhere in the middle or haven’t read up about the latest news and studies.
For those of you who want to learn more, I’m giving you links to some of my favorite articles about the subject. Yes, these are all pro gay parenting, because that is what I believe it right and just. If you want other opinions, you can Google them, but I encourage everyone to be opening minded so we can all help to raise good people who become citizens of the world, believe in love and not hate, and acceptance of all human beings. The world and life are hard enough as it is. Let’s try to make it as judgement-free and loving as we can for the next generation.
x Jo
The Huffington Post: The Well-Charted Waters of Same-Sex Parenting
AACAP: Children with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Parents
Journal of GLBT Family Studies: Modern Prejudice and Same-Sex Parenting: Shifting Judgments in Positive and Negative Parenting Situations
The Los Angeles Times: Three justices’ concern over gay parenting surprises experts
Copywritten by Jo Frost