Jo sent us a dispatch from her relaxing holiday break. Since she was in chill mode, she kept it brief, but we were happy to read she finally had some down time … the calm before the storm (of a shooting schedule!)
Hello, all! I hope everyone had a great holiday and I wish you all a Happy New Year! For the holiday season this year, I stayed in California, where I finally had some time to rest and relax. It was great (and a nice change of scenery) to enjoy winter in a warm climate. Not the weather we’re used to having in England, that’s for sure! Now that I’ve had a chance to relax, I’ll be gearing up to start shooting my new series, so my schedule will soon be go, go go! I’m looking forward to doing my new show, and even more excited to share it with you soon. I’ll be sure to post details on my website, twitter, and Facebook accounts to keep you all updated.
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