Archive for category Nanny Diaries

Jo sent us a dispatch from her relaxing holiday break. Since she was in chill mode, she kept it brief, but we were happy to read she finally had some down time … the calm before the storm (of a shooting schedule!)

Hello, all! I hope everyone had a great holiday and I wish you all a Happy New Year! For the holiday season this year, I stayed in California, where I finally had some time to rest and relax. It was great (and a nice change of scenery) to enjoy winter in a warm climate. Not the weather we’re used to having in England, that’s for sure! Now that I’ve had a chance to relax, I’ll be gearing up to start shooting my new series, so my schedule will soon be go, go go! I’m looking forward to doing my new show, and even more excited to share it with you soon. I’ll be sure to post details on my website, twitter, and Facebook accounts to keep you all updated.

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On a recent Sunday, Jo emailed us to tell us about a movie she had just been to the premiere of that she really loved. “Its called Rise of the Guardians,” she told us, “and you must include it on the website and in the monthly eNewsletter as it’s a fantastic film and perfect for the whole family.” As Jo rarely has free time to herself these days, we knew just her getting to the event and then getting lost in the movie meant it had to be good. She also included a photo from the premiere — a little red carpet action for you!

Jo closed her email by saying, “Please send everyone my best holiday wishes and cheers to a Happy New Year! Much love to all!”


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Last month, Jo participated in the FAAN Walk for Food Allergy in Los Angeles, California. “It was great to be a part of a cause that does so need to be highlighted around the world,” says Jo. “The picture I’ve included with this update is from the walk. We had a fun time and met great people all walking to help raise funds and awareness for the same cause.” As the cause of food allergies is near and dear to Jo’s heart, she’s ready to lace up her tennis sneakers for round two, “I’m really looking forward to the next one,” she says. In addition to the walk, Jo has been shooting her next series for TLC. We’ll keep you updated with air date details as they become available.

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September was no play time. I have been busy creating a new app that will be available in the iTunes store shortly. It’s totally exciting and I can’t wait to share it with you all! Watch this space and my Twitter account for its release date.
And, in honor of Halloween and Mischief Night this month, I want to wish every one a Happy (and safe) time trick or treating and share this lovely pic of my dear niece, who is already set for Halloween. She’s totally into the Hulk, so there’s no second-guessing what she wants to be for Halloween this year!

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August was an incredibly busy month for Jo as she zigzagged the globe. “Mostly, I spent the month racking up air miles,” exclaimed Jo.” “I flew from the U.S. to London, to Amsterdam. And then from Amsterdam to Manchester.” While in Manchester, Jo was hard at work on a much anticipated daytime show for the U.K.! Keep a look out on both sides of the pond for Jo this year. She’s taking the world by storm! While Jo racks up the frequent flyer miles, you can keep in touch with her on Twitter. Follow her @Jo_Frost.

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