The Creature From the seventh Grade: Boy or Beast By Bob Balaban, illustrated by Andy Rash (Ages 10 & up)

From award-winning actor-writer-producer-director Bob Balaban comes a hilarious new series, perfect for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid

If popularity were a score between one and ten, Charlie Drinkwater would be a zero. He’s nerdy and unathletic, and to top it all off, he’s suddenly morphed into a giant mutant sea creature sometime between first-period science class and third-period English.

Now Charlie’s two best friends are treating him like a science project, there’s a petition to get him kicked out of school, the cool kids are recruiting him for their clique, and for some reason his parents are acting like everything is perfectly normal. What’s a slimy, scaly, seventh-grade creature to do?

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The Witches (rated PG)

In Nicolas Roeg's adaptation of Roald Dahl's novel The Witches, a young boy is vacationing at the seaside with his grandmother when he...
