When we checked in with Lauren this month, we couldn't believe the girls are already nine months old! They are crawling, laughing, and are continuing to develop personalities (and nicknames) of their very own. In Lauren's words:
The girls are doing great, and changing and challenging us everyday!! Gianna and Olivia have both learned to sit up on their own and are mastering their crawling skills, and we have faith that after a few more times trying, Sophia will follow suit very soon. All three girls find many things funny and love to giggle all day long!
Over the past few months their personalities have grown as well. Gianna and Olivia have very similar personalities, they are both funny and mischievous, but with a sweetness about them. "Little" Sophia is very serious and extremely loving. Over the past nine months they have all developed little nicknames, we call Gianna Gia Mia, Olivia is Livi Lu, and Sophia is Sophie.