Jack and George – Season 2

Jo’s post-show thoughts:

On George:

Who hasn’t walked down the street with a Spiderman or a Tinkerbell? I know I have…But when it gets to a point when your kids don’t want to come out of these clothes then it’s time to put the bat-mobile timer in place. Simple techniques and a heartfelt conversation over a good cup of brew, made George’s mom and dad realize that even superman needed to be Clark Kent sometimes!!!!  x-Jo

On Jack:

When you are little boy who is running around constantly being defiant towards your mother, to the point where it has become accepted to lash out, it is time to call for time out. Nikkie to pull rank as Jack’s mother and put in rules, boundaries and consequences. And the results? Well I think you know answer to that one. x-Jo


Episode overview:

Jack, age six, is not a fan of bedtime. The battles have gotten so bad, he’s left his mom, Nikkie, bruised and defeated. In her quest to help bring peace to the home, Jo gets caught in the battlefire. Can she convince mom Nikkie to take charge of her son’s violent behavior?

Five-year-old George is obsessed with superheros. As soon as he gets home from school, George lives in his Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man costumes…going so far as to eat and sleep in them. His fixation is beginning to affect his school work as well. Can Jo’s powers help George shed his superhero disguise?

When Jo hits the road, she answers questions about fears & phobias, attention seekers, and how to handle sore losers.

And, Jo explores the biggest parenting problem of them all: lack of family time. On average, parents spend a mere 49 minutes A DAY with their child. Jo’s going to show families how they can increase that time and connect with each other.

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