Insomnia is a great headline for our past month. Skyla just isn't transitioning into her toddler bed very easily. She is still in her own room, because we haven't been able to get her into a steady pattern on her own yet. We were hoping she would get the hang of going to bed and staying in bed, and then put her in the same room as Telsche. Nothing seems to keep her in a pattern more than three nights. So, long story short, we are just going to put them in the same room and go for it. I know as each month goes by I keep saying it's coming, but we are running out of time before the baby comes and want…. I mean need to do this asap. With all of Jo Frost fans as my witness, we will have Skyla in Telsche's room full time within the next two weeks. I really keep holding back because Telsche sleeps so well and it will be a shame to disrupt it. Oh well, change is inevitable coming.
I am currently 33 weeks pregnant now. Starting to feel rather large and slowing down quite a bit, although the kids don't slow down. Besides the crazy heartburn and occasional backache, I have enjoyed this pregnancy tremendously. She is a super busy baby, moving and kicking all the time. Makes me a little nervous that she'll be just as busy when she's born. I am secretly (or not so secretly) hoping for a cuddly, sleeper. I am practicing my hypno birthing in hopes that it will help as much as it did for Skyla. We are also trying to catch up on any movies, dinners or friend visits now that we may not be able to do for awhile.
The girls are really excited for Easter next week. We will visit with Tyson's family on Friday, and my Mom's family on Sunday. I am sure the Easter bunny will be sure to visit our house, leaving a fun filled egg hunt. I hope everyone enjoys their Easter and any spring weather!
We had a great visit last month with our friend Cole in Toronto, we are pictured here making pizza at his house.