From krausmareels:
I was wondering if you had any suggestions or ideas on how to get my five year old son to stay dry all night long. During the day is fine, but at nighttime I have to put in him pull-ups. I can stop giving him liquid around 6-ish, but he will go to the bathroom before bedtime and he still continues to wet himself.
Hi Krausmareels,
His fluids should stop around 5p. The routine at night should be: Two potty breaks before bedtime, and then another one, that you supervise, around 10:30/11p, where you will pick him up or walk him (I'm sure he will still be half asleep) to the toilet so that he can go. This should hold him over until he wakes up, at which time he should go straight away to the potty.
By building in this 10:30/11p potty break, you are giving him an aid and helping him to become more aware during the night. After a while, he will connect the feeling and learn to wake himself up if he feels the need to go in the middle of the night.
Good luck!