How to Do Homework Without Throwing Up by Trevor Romain (ages 7-12)

But if homework makes you uneasy or queasy, this book is for you. Author Trevor Romain understands how horrible homework can be. And he knows how you can do yours without throwing up. As you laugh along with Trevor's jokes and cartoons, you'll learn important homework truths, like:

Though it might feel good at the time, throwing a fit will not make your homework easier to do.

Dogs do not eat homework, especially science projects.

You will also learn valuable homework skills, like:

  • how to make a homework schedule,
  • how to get help with your homework, and
  • how to avoid TV-Homework-Neck.

Designed to make kids laugh while recognizing the importance of school assignments, this is a great little paperback for parents and educators to share with those who think homework is the bane of childhood.

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Oliver Finds His Way by Phyllis Root, Illustrated by Christopher Denise (infant-3 yrs)

Oliver is so intent on following a blowing autumn leaf that he doesn't even notice that he's lost his way....
