Archive for category Potty Training

In light of the UK Sky News this week surrounding hundreds of children being sent to school still in nappies, I thought we must talk about this life skill we take for granted every day — and for some kids, under the dining table in their nappies every evening!!

In light of the UK Sky News this week surrounding hundreds of children being sent to school still in nappies, I thought we must talk about this life skill we take for granted every day — and for some kids, under the dining table in their nappies every evening!!

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If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in "Little Nippers," let the Moderators know. I

If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in “Little Nippers,” let the Moderators know. I’m looking for parents (or a parent) who is/are willing to share their family story on a monthly basis. Check out the “Little Nippers” section to see how the updates are structured.

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Please can someone give me some kind of guidance? My son is three years old and has been toilet training for about five months. He has done very well with weeing and does them in the toilet and is dry through the night. The trouble I have is that he refuses to do BMs in the toilet.

Please can someone give me some kind of guidance? My son is three years old and has been toilet training for about five months. He has done very well with weeing and does them in the toilet and is dry through the night. The trouble I have is that he refuses to do BMs in the toilet.

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