Wellness with Todd Morena
From the Heart: Love, Compassion and Kindness
February brings us Valentines Day, the day we celebrate love. Instead of just one day, let’s look at this month as a month long celebration of love. Normally you run out and buy a card or flowers or candy for your loved ones. But now that you have less stress and more control of your thoughts, let’s focus this month on creating a mindset of love, compassion and kindness as part of your gift to yourself and others.
Read MoreTake Control of Your Thoughts in the New Year
I trust you were successful using the simple breathing technique I shared with you last month to help you reduce stress during the holidays. I know I had plenty of opportunities to practice it with the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
Read MoreHow to Reduce Stress During the Holidays
Please welcome Todd Morena to the site. Todd dedicates his life to the enlightenment of individuals around the world, providing the knowledge and support to achieve an improved quality of life.
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