Surrounded by babies!

We thought Lauren and Joe could use an extra hand; after all there are three babies and only two of them! So Jo popped in on Lauren for a visit, and to lend a helping hand! Jo was totally in her element – surrounded by babies! And the babies seemed to be on their best behavior. Lauren fills us in:

Having Jo come to visit us was such a great experience! I feel so honored that she took time out of her busy schedule to come meet my girls and spend time with each of them. We are so grateful to have her in our lives. She is full of knowledge and definitely great advice! We were having problems with the babies all having acid reflux. The doctor recommended I give them rice milk mixed into their formula. As a new mom who didn’t know any better, I did just that. They started to show signs of discomfort and pain. They would scream and cry and not be able to sleep. I tried everything to calm them and after a week of mixing in the rice cereal (and much to my doctor’s dismay) I discontinued the rice cereal and things improved. I brought up the reflux problem with Jo and she gave me advice and told me NOT to mix in rice cereal! Moral of the story, mother (and Supernanny) sometimes know best! It’s about learning to trust your own judgment and instincts.

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Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson

Dave Barry is a Pulitzer prize-winning writer whose Miami Herald newspaper column explores family and the fun and wacky world...
