Mealtimes are supposed to be a social family get together. With families running different schedules and kids running in and out of different activities daily, the odds of coming together for family mealtimes seems to be becoming more challenging for families. Toddlers recognize very quickly that they can get themselves into this negative power play with parents if they stall the parents putting food into their mouths, and then the parents obsessing over eating the food they have in front of them. The reality is, it is important for our children to have healthy mealtimes but, no one wants the constant battles that come with them. If you have been use to giving your children food after they refuse to eat what is at the table, that must change immediately. If you are bribing to get them to eat, technology needs to go off and healthy conversation in its place. Only when we adapt a positive attitude towards mealtimes and as parents we choose to let go of negative behavior we see it’s only then we will change the circumstances. Sometimes children use the dining table as a means of feeling more in control of their lives and we have to be careful that doesn’t lead to eating disorders as our children grow. So understand as the adult, this is not about controlling our children, it is about them trying different foods and acquiring a wider pallet and so coming together with family and at different social gatherings is pleasant and joyful.