Let’s Talk About Sex

For some parents they can feel at a loss on how to approach the conversation about sex education with their teens. So making sure our teens have the correct information and have mature decision making skills all go hand in hand to help protect them from the pressures of having sex, and making sure that they are emotionally ready. Just because your teenager asks you about sex, don’t assume that your teen is thinking about having sex. Real life situations and media examples give us opportunities to begin a discussion. Again, if you don’t know the answers to some of the questions they ask you it is okay not to know, it gives you the opportunity to find the answers together. Share your values regarding sexual intimacy and your reasons why they should wait to have sex. Their decisions must be based on their choices and not to please others. Using the correct language is important but, also understanding the language that they may be familiar with is also okay as part of your conversation. Last but not least let them know that you are interested in what they think and what they have to say about the topic. Don’t preach this is an exchange where information is shared so that the experience becomes an easier topic to talk about as your children grow into young adults.


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