Jo’s Editorial

Jo's Editorial

Teaching values (honesty, saying sorry, being considerate etc) is about building true character. We do so best, when we can lead by example as role-model parents to our children. Which of course is not always easy because we are not perfect but that is the point, that through our mistakes we can teach our children the important lessons of honesty, good morals and saying sorry for our actions.

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Exaggerating is a form of telling Fibs & Lies. The desire to be accepted and liked by our peers is quite natural, the more animated the child is the more creative they can be in their "storytelling". When you find your child starts to exaggerate it will be important to notice and to have discussions that lead to the importance of why it is not generally great to do so and to explain how it is not necessary

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In my book Toddler Rules there are 3 types = Mock, Situational, Emotional. Dealing with tantrums really begins with understanding what they are and why they occur. In the early years of toddlerhood, we see children as young as 18 months show great displays of physical emotion through sometimes public outrage, for some that maybe just a high pitched scream but for others a complete melt down of legs and arms wailing.

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Pretending not to hear or running away is an old trick and is a very quick way for children to demonstrate getting out of doing something they may not particularly want to do or just showing signs of defiance, if not addressed it does get worse and you will find yourself as parent or co-carer that you are constantly repeating yourself and we all know what that feels like...yes very frustrating!

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Hitting, biting, pulling hair - Many parents feel absolutely horrified the first time they see their child show aggression towards another child, or themselves, normally because such behavior becomes a direct reflection on the parents raising of their child and in turn we feel- what are we doing that has our child behaving as such?

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