The House That Sailed Away by Pat Hutchins (Ages 9-12)

This week's Reading Room recommendation comes from @sdcreates, who replied to Jo's tweet about what everyone was reading with their kids. Sharon's pick, "The House That Sailed Away," was one we had to share.

Morgan, Mother, Father, Grandma, Tailcat and the Baby find themselves catapulted into the wackiest adventure ever when their London house floats off down the street and out to sea! 

Hungry cannibals, blood-thirsty pirates, a kidnapping and buried treasure are just some of the hair-raisers in store in Pat Hutchins' own adaptation of her classic children's novel.

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U.S. Viewers: Jo on The Joy Behar Show on Feb 1st!

  Jo will be on The Joy Behar Show on February 1st at 10P ET/PT on CNN. Click here for details!
