Holiday Do’s (and One Don’t) for Teens

This is a great time of year to encourage the teen in your home to be more engaging during the holiday season. Jo has a few “Do’s and Don’ts” to share with teens that will give them a few things to think about and help them be more interactive during time with extended family. Whether you email them this post, print it out, or discuss it face-to-face, it will help everyone be on the same page and know the expectations for the holiday, and will hopefully lay the groundwork for the entire holiday season.

DO come down from your bedroom to spend time with your relatives

DO keep your cell phone and Nintendos away from the dining table

DO show help with meal time set-up, clean-up, etc. It show your willingness to be a part of the holiday and the family

DO laugh at grandpa’s jokes. Even if you don’t get them, it will make him feel good. Remember, he sat and entertained you long before you were interested in going out with your friends.

DO show the mature teenager you have become by setting an example of great table manners for your younger siblings.

DO remember your parents haven’t forgotten what it was like to be your age. A willingness to spend time with the family without being prompted shows a genuine love to want to celebrate the thanksgiving season. No doubt after dinner you will have time to call friends, have a girlfriend or boyfriend over in the evening and tweet out to a few friends.

And, lastly, DON’T forget to thank your mom or dad for the great spread of food they took time to prepare with love. Trust me, your gratitude will be appreciated beyond that day.


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