Full day with triplets

Since this month’s newsletter is devoted to parents, we asked Lauren what she does for herself to unwind after a full day of parenting her triplets.

Honestly, I do not get much time to myself during the day at all. But, if there ever is the opportunity, I love to go and get a quick manicure and pedicure. The hour that I am away helps me to decompress and rejuvenate so I can go back home and be the best mom to my girls that I can.

Despite not having much time to myself during the day, I always make sure to take do take some “me time” at night, once the girls are in bed. I usually just cozy up on the couch with the remote and watch my favorite shows or surf the web. It allows my to relax both physically and mentally before heading to bed. Having that little bit of relaxing time in between putting the girls to bed and going to bed myself makes all of the difference.

I also wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays! Have a wonderful New Years!

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Interview with AANMA

Jo recently sat down for an interview with the AANMA (Allergy & Asthma Network  Mothers of Asthmatics) for their December...
