Archive for category Ten Questions With…

Marin Milio is the co-creator of the custom women's clothing line, AprilMarin. In addition to launching her company two years ago, Marin recently became a mom for the first time. She talked to us about how she balances both her burgeoning business and new baby.

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Rebecca is a foster parent and cognitive psychologist. Currently she has a two-year-old foster daughter. Rebecca blogs about her foster experiences on Fosterhood.

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Nancy Lublin is the CEO and "Chief Old Person" of, which uses technology and pop culture to help young people "rock causes they care about." 

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Beth Reed is a Wellness Coordinator at a public school in East Harlem. She also co-founded the Public School Wellness Committee and teaches nutrition and health and wellness classes to the kids in her school. In addition, Beth, along with her committee, is working with school staff, parents, and local bodegas to help them identify/stock healthy foods for Harlem’s littlest residents. Beyond basic food education, Beth’s goal is to literally change the way kids experience their food. We have no doubt she’ll do that and more; she’ll change their lives.

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Ayelet Waldman is the author of RED HOOK ROAD, one of our book picks for parents. She's also the author of The New York Times bestseller BAD MOTHER: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities and Occasional Moments of Grace, LOVE AND OTHER IMPOSSIBLE PURSUITS, DAUGHTER'S KEEPER and the Mommy-Track Mysteries. Ayelet and her husband, author Michael Chabon, have four children: Sophie, Zeke, Rosie and Abe.

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Lois K. Heymann (MA, CCC-SLP), is a Speech and Language Pathologist with over 30 years experience working with children with hearing, listening, and learning challenges and their parents. Heymann's book, THE SOUND OF HOPE: Recognizing, Coping with, and Treating Your Child's Auditory Processing Disorder [].

We talked to Lois about her book, the diagnosis and treatment of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD/CAPD), and how parents need to learn to listen just as much as their children do.

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Deborah Copaken Kogan is/has been many things: photographer, television news producer, journalist, author, stage parent, and, perhaps most importantly, a mother to 14 year old Jacob, 12 year old Sasha, and 3 ½ year old Leo. Her most recent book, HELL IS OTHER PARENTS, is a collection of humorous essays on being a parent and surviving other parents. She lives in Manhattan with her husband, children and dog.
You can also follow Deb on Twitter:

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Romi Lassally is a mom to three children (Phoebe, 18; Annabel, 11; and Owen, 8), a wife, a web entrepreneur of the Truu Confessions websites (which include among others)/an author (of the book True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real and a former film producer (who produced the Drew Barrymore movie, Home Fries). Romi answered our questions and let us in on some parenting confessions of her own.

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In honor of Women's History Month, we had the opportunity to chat with filmmaker Amy Sewell. Amy wrote and produced the hit documentary film, Mad Hot Ballroom about inner city elementary school students who compete in a citywide ballroom dancing competition. Her most recent documentary, "What's Your Point, Honey?" captures three age groups of women to show us how far women have some and how far they still have to go. The movie is now available on Amazon, iTunes, and through She has 11-year-old twin daughters, Raquel "Rocky" and Samantha "Sammy" (named, as she and her basketball coach-husband say to "transfer to the court").

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Dave Barry is a Pulitzer prize-winning writer whose Miami Herald newspaper column explores family and the fun and wacky world we live in. Dave also writes books for adults and has teamed with fellow author Ridley Pearson, to co-write books for young adults and children. Ridley Pearson is a best-selling author of suspense and crime novels for adults and mystery books for children. Together Dave and Ridley have collaborated on seven books for young readers.

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