Archive for category Quick Tips

Keep screens out of the kitchen during dinner time. Ensure that your mealtimes are phone-free and gadget-free zones. Turn gadgets off and turn on the conversation while you eat. Better yet, collect everyone’s phone/video game./ipad and put them (turned off) in a basket until after your dinner is over and the table has been cleared. You could even use this time to charge all of your gadgets!

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Color code it. If you have more than one child, color code their items for school and home, so you always remember what belongs to whom in case they misplace an item or leave it hanging around where it shouldn’t be. For example, for one child, a blue bath towel, lunch box, and toothbrush. Red for another. Green for another. Etc.

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Make sure you have a fire safety escape plan and practice it with your family. Find two ways out of every room in case one way is blocked by fire or smoke. Practice escaping by both routes to be sure windows are not stuck and screens can be taken out quickly.

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Be prepared with supplies when you’re on the go. Never leave home without a sippy cup or bottle of water and a snack of some kind. Also, it’s good to keep crayons, a coloring book, or a few small toys in your bag for those moments when your child needs to be distracted or you end up in traffic.

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When picking out a first pet for your family, make sure you consider the animal’s temperament. Not all breeds are good around children, so when you start to look for pets, make sure they’re easygoing and good around your kids (and vise versa). A pet’s breed can often give a clue to its disposition. Some breeds can have unpredictable temperaments, so research the breed before bringing your pet home.

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Use a trip to the grocery store as a time to practice math. Give your child a budget and have them help pick out food items they want for the week. With the help of a pencil and paper (or a calculator) have them keep track of the total as you go. If they come in under budget, ask how much change they should expect to get from the cashier once your purchases are rung up.

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Take your child’s in-class learning a step further. Are they learning about mummies or marine life in school? How about supplementing their school learning with a trip to the museum or aquarium to learn even more? Are they learning about a particular war? Why not stage a reenactment in the backyard and get the whole family (and maybe even grandma and grandpa) involved and playing parts. Bring the learning to life.

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As the weather gets colder, remember to prevent burns in the bath by setting your water heater at as low a temperature as possible (120° F/48° C or lower). And, always test bathwater temperature carefully before putting your child into the tub — never leave your baby or toddler unattended, even for a second!

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As the holiday season approaches, have your children pick out a meal from a cookbook and shop together for ingredients and cook it. Then, ready the meal to drop off together to a family shelter, local hospital, or fire department. This helps teach children the importance of giving back to their community.

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This Halloween, make sure your child is safe as you hit the streets to Trick or Treat with them. Be sure their costumes are the right size to prevent tripping. If they are wearing a mask, make sure they can see through it clearly and that they can breathe. Make sure to also affix some reflective tape and have your child carry a glow stick or flashlight so that they can be seen as the dusky evening grows dark.

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