Archive for category Sleep

Rituals create good sleeping habits. So when you follow through and are consistent with a bedtime routine, it means that the whole family have better quality sleep. However, with the tweens and teenagers it can become a little bit more sporadic, as this can be a time when there are emotional concerns such as: peer pressure, overcoming academic hurdles, friendships, and a general sense of finding out who you are and what you like and how you fit in and belong.

Rituals create good sleeping habits. So when you follow through and are consistent with a bedtime routine, it means that the whole family have better quality sleep. However, with the tweens and teenagers it can become a little bit more sporadic, as this can be a time when there are emotional concerns such as: peer pressure, overcoming academic hurdles, friendships, and a general sense of finding out who you are and what you like and how you fit in and belong.

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Most parents find sleep-training challenging. Not because the techniques are difficult but purely because they are required to be done at the end of a day, when you are physically, and emotionally spent, when a child is exhausted and ready for bed, and when patience is no longer in abundance.

Most parents find sleep-training challenging. Not because the techniques are difficult but purely because they are required to be done at the end of a day, when you are physically, and emotionally spent, when a child is exhausted and ready for bed, and when patience is no longer in abundance.

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I think it would be fair to say that sleeping problems send more parents in search of advice than most other childcare issues. Families face evening battlegrounds of difficulties at bedtime that can potentially cause a lot of stress for everyone. From your baby crying on and off all night to your toddler who thinks it’s fun to stall bedtime until mid-night, to your pre-nursery schooler who creeps into your bed in the early hours before sunrise, do you remember the last time you were able to peacefully sleep through the night?

I think it would be fair to say that sleeping problems send more parents in search of advice than most other childcare issues. Families face evening battlegrounds of difficulties at bedtime that can potentially cause a lot of stress for everyone. From your baby crying on and off all night to your toddler who thinks it’s fun to stall bedtime until mid-night, to your pre-nursery schooler who creeps into your bed in the early hours before sunrise, do you remember the last time you were able to peacefully sleep through the night?

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Over the last week or so I have answered a lot of questions on my Twitter regarding sleep. It’s a fundamental discipline that parents need to get under their belt. As you have heard me say 1000 times, sleep deprivation affects the whole family. The detriment of lack of sleep in children may lead to irritability, temper tantrums, inability to focus and concentrate, learn and process.

Over the last week or so I have answered a lot of questions on my Twitter regarding sleep. It’s a fundamental discipline that parents need to get under their belt. As you have heard me say 1000 times, sleep deprivation affects the whole family. The detriment of lack of sleep in children may lead to irritability, temper tantrums, inability to focus and concentrate, learn and process.

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I wanted to address a question that I see has come up many, many times on the forum (my team tells me it

I wanted to address a question that I see has come up many, many times on the forum (my team tells me it’s the most active forum topic, especially late at night) … sleep. A lot of you are not getting it because your children are not getting it. Why are families so sleep deprived (new baby arrivals aside)? It’s usually one of the following:

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If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in "Little Nippers," let the Moderators know. I

If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in “Little Nippers,” let the Moderators know. I’m looking for parents (or a parent) who is/are willing to share their family story on a monthly basis. Check out the “Little Nippers” section to see how the updates are structured.

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Hi, I have just joined and I am desperate. My son is 15 months old and will not sleep. I even have fights to get him to nap during the day - only good thing is he is well-behaved in the daytime. He has had a virus/tonsillitis/ear infection/cough for a month and I think its due to lack of sleep. Doc won

Hi, I have just joined and I am desperate. My son is 15 months old and will not sleep. I even have fights to get him to nap during the day – only good thing is he is well-behaved in the daytime. He has had a virus/tonsillitis/ear infection/cough for a month and I think its due to lack of sleep. Doc won’t do anything!!

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