Archive for category Routine

As we come upon another year, we all think of the goals we accomplished this year and the ones we want to set for next year. Instead of simply diving into a long list on January 1st, why not start now with a Plan Of Action, taking this last month of 2012 to ease your way into the new year with thoughtful goals and deadlines.

As we come upon another year, we all think of the goals we accomplished this year and the ones we want to set for next year. Instead of simply diving into a long list on January 1st, why not start now with a Plan Of Action, taking this last month of 2012 to ease your way into the new year with thoughtful goals and deadlines.

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I’m often asked when a good time is to start giving children household chores and responsibilities and what, exactly, is age appropriate. I’ve decided the easiest way to respond to this is to break it down by age range. What follows is a list of basic responsibilities that are appropriate for kids ages 2-10+. Use these ideas as a starting point and feel free to add your own, as you see fit.

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If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in "Little Nippers," let the Moderators know. I

If you or someone you know is nearing the end of their pregnancy or just had/adopted a child and wants to tell their story on our site as Lauren has in “Little Nippers,” let the Moderators know. I’m looking for parents (or a parent) who is/are willing to share their family story on a monthly basis. Check out the “Little Nippers” section to see how the updates are structured.

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