Book Tour

Last month found Jo all over the world on her book tour. Between jetting off to the Middle East and time spent in New York, New Jersey, D.C., Maryland, and California, Jo was constantly on the go covering as much territory as she could to talk to parents and families. At each of her stops, Jo took time to do a Q&A about her book and spent extra one-on-one time with parents and kids to answer specific, help work out difficult situations, and give support and encouragement. “I love spending time talk to families,” said Jo. “From helping them navigate through challenging or frustrating situations to hearing how my techniques have worked for them, it’s great to spend the time to connect with readers and viewers.” Jo also sent along some shots from her readings at Dylan’s Candy Bar in New York, Books & Greetings in LA, and a television interview she did.

After her whirlwind book tour, Jo headed to the U.K. to shoot episodes of her new ITV show, Jo Frost Family Matters.

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