Archibald’s Next Big Thing by Tony Hale, Tony Biaggne, and illustrated by Misty Manley and Victor Huckabee, is the extraordinary adventure of an extra-ordinary chicken named Archibald Strutter. His three brothers and one sister have each found their “Big Thing” (including a brother chicken who impressively grows human hair) and the only Big Thing Archibald has planned is what he’s eating for lunch. This all changes when he receives a mysterious blue card that reads “YOUR BIG THING IS HERE!” So, accompanied by a friendly bee named BEE, Archibald takes the card and heads off on a fantastic journey in hopes of finding his NEXT BIG THING. It’s a story that reminds us that, while looking for the next big thing isn’t a bad thing, we should always remember that big and beautiful things are all around. For ages three and up.