Wellness with Todd Morena

Wellness with Todd Morena

Most people understand metabolism to be how quickly your body burns calories. While this is true, it also includes how all the processes in your body work together to create the energy it needs to get through the day. How much you eat and how much energy your body needs will determine if you maintain, gain, or lose weight.

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Our mindset is as important as our physical condition. Without the proper mindset we cannot commit to an exercise program, successfully engage in an activity, or make the mind/body connection necessary to have a safe and effective workout. Few people consider their mindset when thinking about, starting, or maintaining an exercise program. I believe mindset is the foundation to engaging and maintaining a successful exercise regimen. Mindset plays a key role in several areas.

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As we age our muscles can become tighter and less flexible. This can impact our everyday lives and lead to possible injuries. We can make a tremendous impact on our flexibility by giving proper attention to our muscles.

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Many people focus their attention on strengthening their body while paying little attention to strengthening their brain. Since our brain is the central processing point for our body, it is extremely important to take good care of it. And, like our body, if you want to strengthen your brain, you must continue to challenge it with different exercises and activities while feeding it healthy food and giving it sufficient rest.

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Most people’s New Year’s resolutions are focused around exercise and diet. This year, I would like you to consider a resolution to improve your sleep habits. Sleep is a very important element of your overall health and can also benefit your exercise and diet. When we don’t sleep enough, the body has difficulty processing protein, which in turn can cause muscle loss. So even if you are exercising and trying to eat healthy, you will not have much success if you are not getting enough sleep.

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